Can You Do CrossFit if You’re Overweight?

Obese man standing barefoot on a bathroom scale – view from above a prominent belly

People often ask if they can do CrossFit if they’re overweight. 

The answer: Yes! Anyone can do CrossFit. 

In a one-on-one setting, coaches use CrossFit principles to create the perfect workout for a client. Each session is designed to challenge the client at the right level and move the person closer to their goals.

In a group setting, the workout for the class is modified to suit the needs of each participant. In “CrossFit language,” quickly modifying a general workout in a group session is called “scaling.” 

For example, imagine a workout like this: 

3 rounds of:
20 barbell squats
Run 1.6km

That’s tough! But what if we adjusted it for a beginner who wants to lose weight and hasn’t worked out very much in the past? It might look like this:

3 rounds of:
5 body-weight squats
Jog or walk 100 meters

We’re experts at modifying workouts for clients.

But I’ll give you an “easy button” right here: Book a free consultation with us. We’ll find out all about your goals and current fitness level, and then we’ll tell you exactly how we can help you. 

Book that free chat here:

You Can Do CrossFit If You’re Overweight!

Here’s something to remember: You don’t have to be fit to start training. Training is the thing that makes you fit. It’s like swimming lessons: You don’t learn to swim before taking lessons. You take lessons to learn.

Maybe you’ve seen top athletes competing at the CrossFit Games. They’re incredible, and they treat CrossFit as a sport or even a full-time job.

At our gym, CrossFit is a method we use to help people lose weight or body fat or gain strength—or accomplish any other goal. CrossFit training is a mix of cardiovascular and strength work, which makes it perfect for people who want to change body composition. 

If weight loss is your goal, you also need to think about the other half of the weight-loss equation: nutrition! People always think about working out when they think of CrossFit, but eating right is a huge part of the program. When you work out your doing the hardest part already…. nutrition is something that you need to actual survive, so it should be high on your list to get right.

We’ve had beginners become very fit, we’ve had older clients become fitter than they were when they were younger, and we’ve had people lose impressive amounts of weight and body fat. It’s amazing to watch them progress..

If weight loss is your goal and you’re interested in CrossFit, let me assure you that you can do CrossFit if you’re currently overweight. The key is working with a qualified professional who can create workouts that are perfect for you and your goals. 

We’d love to use CrossFit to help you lose weight. If that’s your goal, we can help. To meet with a coach and create the perfect plan for success, book a free consultation here:



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